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PATH: Exclusive Columns

Introducing the Pedestrian Wine-Drinker

Posted by perle0 on 2004-08-28 20:17:40 (9195 views)

[The Pedestrian Wine Drinker]
First let's clear something up right away. This column is NOT about drinking pedestrian wines. Life's too short to drink pedestrian wine. No, it's the wine-drinker who is pedestrian. The Pedestrian Wine-Drinker (PWD for short) is just a commonplace wine-lover, an ordinary peon, one who slogs through the wine world on foot, rather than soaring above the crowd on wings of special wine knowledge and ability.

The PWD is a column devoted to wine. It appears regularly on, a local community website devoted primariy to wine tasting notes written by you and me--the only real experts on wine as far as you and I are concerned.

Let's dive right in then, shall we? Perhaps the best place to start is to answer the question, what the heck is a tasting note, anyway?


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