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Good Winetasting Seal of Approval The Internet's Wine Tasting Note Source
Survey Says Knowledge of Wine Makes You More Attractive

Posted by perle0 on 2005-01-29 23:38:52 (6574 views)

A survey co-sponsored by the Australian Wine Council and investigated the attitudes of singles towards wine, with some interesting results.

For example, 7 in 10 survey respondents agreed that knowledge about wine makes a member of the opposite sex more attractive. Single people were two times more likely to order wine over a specialty cocktail or soda and four times more likely to order wine instead of beer.When asked which person they would be the most interested in meeting, respondents overwhelmingly chose someone who orders wine from Australia (53%) over someone who orders a vodka from Russia (18%), a beer from Belgium (15%) or a Port from Portugal (14%).

More info on wine nationalities and dating from the survey: Ordering a wine from Australia conveys the message that a person is adventurous (62%) and fun (32%). A person that drinks French wine is viewed as pretentious (76 percent)and high-maintenance (65%). Sexy (40%) and stylish (37%) were personality traits used to describe a person who orders a wine from Italy.

Check here for more details about the survey, the Australian Wine Council, and


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