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Texas Man Dies in Bizarre Sherry Incident

Posted by perle0 on 2005-02-16 12:26:47 (2778 views)

A woman in Lake Jackson, Texas, was arrested for killing her husband. The murder weapon? Sherry. But not the way you think.

Tammy Jean Warner was accused of negligent homicide for giving her husband, Michael, a rather copious sherry enema. Police reported that she used two magnum-sized bottles (1.5 liters each), and Mr. Warner had a blood-alcohol level of 0.47 percent at the time of his death. An alcoholic, Mr. Warner was no longer able to drink alcohol due to painful throat ulcers caused by his alcoholism, so his wife helped him out by administering his booze using an alternate method.

The problem here was that when you drink alcohol, your body absorbs it slowly, and most people will become ill or pass out before they can drink enough to kill them. (Frat boys are at risk because they drink so fast, imbibing too much before the body's defenses can kick in.) When alcohol comes in enema form, the body continues to absorb it past the danger point, and passing out doesn't stop the intake of more alcohol.

Mrs. Warner now contends that her husband administered the fatal enema himself, and that he had enjoyed enemas since childhood. "That's the way he went out and I'm sure that's the way he wanted to go out because he loved his enemas," she told the Houston Chronicle.

That would look great on a tombstone.


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