Good Winetasting Seal of Approval The Internet's Wine Tasting Note Source
Good Winetasting Seal of Approval The Internet's Wine Tasting Note Source
Announcing LaWineClub's First Tasting Note Giveaway!

Posted by perle0 on 2005-08-07 02:39:27 (4256 views)

[New Orleans]
Anyone who submits a Tasting Note on between July 1st and August 15th, 2005, will be eligible to win a bottle of fine wine from our cellars. Click Read More below for details and eligibility.

For this first competition, entrants must be able to pick up your prize in the New Orleans metropolitan area. (Hopeful winners outside the area, stay tuned for a future contest!) Submitting multiple tasting notes will give you multiple entries into the contest. To be eligible, tasting notes must be:

  1. Original. You must write your tasting note yourself!
  2. Topical. Your tasting note should be for a wine which you have tasted, and taken notes on, recently. You may enter a wine which you tasted before the contest period, IF you took notes on it at that time. (In other words, no writing tasting notes from memory!)
  3. Complete. Although not every field is required to submit a tasting note, a winning note must include, at a minimum, the winery, wine name, year, region, varietal, wine score, description, and date tasted.

The winner will be selected at random from the eligible tasting notes submitted, and the winner will be identified (by username only) on, and notified at the e-mail address you registered with. Remember, the more notes you submit, the more chances you have to win!

There are plenty of sample tasting notes to look at on, and if you need help learning how to write tasting notes, or how to talk about wine, check out the Pedestrian Wine Drinker's columns on the subject. The first one will give you enough of the general idea about tasting notes to get started. The best part of writing tasting notes, though, is looking up a wine months or years later, and being able to remember what you thought of it.


Posted by Admin on 2005-09-08 22:08:58
We have a winner in the contest. More details will be posted shortly. The hurricane kind of put a snafu in everyones' plans.
Snafu - no kidding!
Posted by FrankA on 2005-09-24 02:02:03
Yeah, a snafu indeed. I suppose the winner can claim their bottle by simply going to Mike's place with a shovel and digging it up.

I hope things aren't that bad. Please tell us your home is intact!


-- F
You could call it the ultimate snafu
Posted by perle0 on 2006-02-22 11:01:33
For more details on the outcome of the tasting note contest, check this article.

Warning: it's not a happy story, so you might not want to know the ending.

1 Article displayed.

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