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Good Winetasting Seal of Approval The Internet's Wine Tasting Note Source
Cork & Bottle New Orleans Events thru June

Posted by perle0 on 2007-05-09 02:32:41 (3365 views)

[New Orleans]
Bodega Nights, Thursdays Uncorked, and WineSense Tastings are all coming up at Cork & Bottle Mid-City this summer!

Bodega Nights are Back
Beginning at 4:00 this Friday, May 11th, and continuing each and every Friday (except when we have Vino on the Bayou), Cork & Bottle transforms back into La Bodega, serving tasting flights of a dozen different white, red, and sparkling Spanish wines along with tasting plates of gourmet cheese and other tasty cold tapas treats. With our new small table seating, Bodega Night is a wine tasting you take at your own leisure, and it's a great way to unwind after a long week. Just show up at your leisure, stay as long as you like, bring as many friends as you want to, and sit around and enjoy our selection of wines, cheese, and other foodie delights. Discover new wines, expand your horizons, or just sit back and chill out!

Thursdays Uncorked
Joining us this Thursday, May 10th, are some neat wines poured by Monica Bourgeois from--you guessed it --Neat Wines, with an eclectic array of wines for our regularly scheduled free tasting. The tasting is from 5:00 to 7:00.

'05 Saier Albarino
'06 Favia Kite Rose
'04 Panacea Cabernet Sauvignon
'04 Panacea Magnitude

May 16th--WineSense 101: Just the Facts! $15.00
This is where it all begins, folks! Come learn the differences between some of the major white and red wine varietals. How is Sauvignon Blanc different from Chardonnay? Are Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot all that different? Along with this, we will examine how to describe what you taste in the glass. From minerals to fruits to vegetables to chemicals, wine is described so many different ways. Spin the wine wheel and see which aromas and flavors you find for each of our eight varietals.

May 30th--"Do you want some cheese with that wine?"--Wine and Cheese pairings (only)$25.00
It is probably one of the most accepted practices around. Everybody loves a little wine and cheese. But why do they go together? Do they really work in harmony? And is the rind really edible? Join us with special guest Richard Sutton of the St James Cheese Co. to really dissect the marriage of wine and cheese. Come taste eight wines next to eight carefully selected cheeses. You just might be surprised by what you find.

June 13th--Owning the Wine List: Getting past the fear of ordering wine in a restaurant $20.00
We have all been there at some point in our lives. Handed the wine list, everyone staring intently. What to get? Who is eating what? Does everyone like red? Or white? Or both? With this class we are going to break down the wine list: how to find the best values, what pitfalls and traps to avoid, and what to do if you don't recognize a single wine or producer on the list. We will taste wine with special guest Joe Briand from Herbsaint, who will help us figure out the best way to approach an unfamiliar list and what he is looking for in building a wine program.

June 27th - Blind Tasting: The basics and beyond of drinking wine blind. $20.00
Tasting wine without knowing exactly what's in the glass--it's what blind tasting is all about. But why do we do it? For one, it's a neat trick to be able to figure out the wine before actually knowing what it is. But the more important reason is the removal of all outside influences and perception. If you already know what the wine is, you may have already written it off. Thought you didn't like French wine? Italian? Spanish? Chardonnay? Merlot? Join us for one of the most informative ways of tasting through the world of wine, as we go through the basics of blind tasting eight different wines.

E-mail to sign up for these tastings.

Phone: (504) 281-4384


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